#Animals #2011 – 2014
Footprints (Contributing project)
Chemical signatures of resource competition between honeybees and wild bees along a landuse gradient

- Detect honeybee-induced shifts in flower visitation of bumblebees
- Evaluate the effect of land use intensity on competition between honeybees on bumblebees
- Measure fitness consequences for bumblebees
- Extract footprints from flowers
- Run GC/MS analysis
- Quantify resource overlap (H2’)
- Use landuse intensity (Li) and landscape context as predictor variables in an analysis of floral resource overlap
- Measure worker size across EPs
- Measure colony growth and reproductive output in a field experiment in the Schwäbische Alb
Kämper W., Blüthgen N., Eltz T. (2017): Bumblebee footprints on bird’s-foot trefoil uncover increasing flower visitation with land-use intensity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 240, 77–83. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2017.02.013
More information:
Blütenspezialisierung und Stickstoff-Homöostase - Was führt zur Anfälligkeit von Arten?
Kämper W., Weiner C., Kühsel S., Storm C., Eltz T., Blüthgen N. (2017): Evaluating the effects of floral resource specialisation and of nitrogen regulation on the vulnerability of social bees in agricultural landscapes. Apidologie, 48 (3), 371–383. doi: 10.1007/s13592-016-0480-4
More information:
Was beeinflusst das Koloniewachstum der dunklen Erdhummel (B. terrestris)?
Kämper W., Werner P. K., Hilpert A., Westphal C., Blüthgen N., Eltz T., Leonhardt S. D. (2016): How landscape, pollen intake and pollen quality affect colony growth in Bombus terrestris. Landscape Ecology 31 (10), 2245–2258. doi: 10.1007/s10980-016-0395-5
More information:
Bumblebees in agricultural landscapes in Central Europe: colony performance, floral resource use and pathogen load
Hummeln in Agrarlandschaften in Mitteleuropa: Kolonieentwicklung, Blütennutzung und Pathogenbelastung
Kämper W. (2016): Bumblebees in agricultural landscapes in Central Europe: colony performance, floral resource use and pathogen load. Dissertation, University Bochum
Public Datasets
Blüthgen, Nico; Eltz, Thomas; Tospann, Martina; Kämper, Wiebke (2018): Insect visitation rate on Lotus corniculatus observed on some grassland plots from 2010-2011, Footprints. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/22626?version=2
Kämper, Wiebke; Eltz, Thomas; Blüthgen, Nico (2018): Lotus corniculatus bumblebee footprints, grassland, 2014, Footprints. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/22606?version=2
Blüthgen, Nico; Eltz, Thomas; Kämper, Wiebke (2018): Nitrogen content of bumblebees and plants, grassland, 2013, Footprints. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/22386?version=2
Kämper, Wiebke; Eltz, Thomas (2014): Colony growth of bumblebees. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/17767?version=2
Kämper, Wiebke; Eltz, Thomas (2013): Flower visitation honeybee and bumblebee. Version 2. Biodiversity Exploratories Information System. Dataset. https://www.bexis.uni-jena.de/ddm/data/Showdata/16086?version=2