
1. Identification of probably adaptive genes

2. Analysis of the genetic diversity within these candidate genes for the adaptive relevant traits drought resistance and bud burst, since the exploratories represent a precipitation and a temperature gradient

3. Investigation of the adaptability of beech seedlings in reciprocal translocation experiments with the aim to associate genetic variation with phenotypic traits (in a possible follow up project)

H1. We expect a higher differentiation in adaptive genes in comparison to “neutral” genetic variation.

H2. We expect the local seedling to be best adapted in comparison to seedlings from other exploratories.

H3. Furthermore, the influence of different forest management intensities on probably adaptive variation in candidate genes will be investigated.

1. Transcriptome analysis by means of next generation sequencing as well as the utilization of candidate genes already used in former studies on beech and oak (Quercus spp.)

2. Analysis of selected SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) within the candidate genes

3. Observation of phenotypic traits, for example survival, bud burst and growth

Ein großes Translokationsexperiment zeigte eine geringe Differenzierung von Populationen, aber eine hohe Phänotypische Plastizität der Rotbuche in Deutschland
Müller M., Kempen T., Finkeldey R., Gailing O. (2020): Low Population Differentiation but High Phenotypic Plasticity of European Beech in Germany. Forests 11 (12), 1354. doi: 10.3390/f11121354
More information:  doi.org
Genetische Variation von Rotbuchenpopulationen und ihren Nachkommen von Nordostdeutschland bis zur südwestlichen Schweiz
Müller M., Cuervo-Alarcon L., Gailing O., Rajendra K.C., Chhetri M. S., Seifert S., Arend M., Krutovsky K. V., Finkeldey R. (2018): Genetic variation of European beech populations and their progeny from northeast Germany to southwest Switzerland. Forests 9(8), 469. doi: 10.3390/f9080469
More information:  doi.org
Vergleich und Bestätigung von SNP-Blattaustriebs-Assoziationen in Populationen der Rotbuche in Deutschland
Müller M., Seifert S., Finkeldey R. (2017): Comparison and confirmation of SNP-bud burst associations in European beech populations in Germany. Tree Genetics & Genomes 13:59. doi: 10.1007/s11295-017-1145-9
More information:  doi.org
De novo Transkriptom-Assemblierung und Analyse von unterschiedlich exprimierten Genen in Reaktion auf Trockenheit bei der Rotbuche
Müller M., Seifert S., Lübbe T., Leuschner C., Finkeldey R. (2017): De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of differential gene expression in response to drought in European beech. PLoS ONE 12 (9): e0184167. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184167
More information:  doi.org
Identifizierung von SNPs in Kandidatengenen, die potenziell an dem Austrieb der Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.) beteiligt sind
Müller M., Seifert S., Finkeldey R. (2015): Identification of SNPs in candidate genes potentially involved in bud burst in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Silvae Genetica 64 (1-2), 1-20. doi: 10.1515/sg-2015-0001
More information:  doi.org

Cooperations are projects financed by the cooperation partners’ own funds and thus financially independent of the DFG-funded infrastructure priority program ‟Biodiversity Exploratories (BE)”. They complement the BE with further interesting research content on biodiversity research and in return benefit from the infrastructure of the Biodiversity Exploratories.

Scientific assistants

PD Dr. Markus Müller
Project manager
PD Dr. Markus Müller
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen