  1. Assessment of soil structure in differently managed grassland soils by X-ray computed tomography and micro tomography
  2. Analysis of the relationship between soil structure and soil biota distributions
  3. Prediction of C-N turnover in grassland soils by means of simulation models based on soil structure

H1.     High biodiversity in grassland soils is connected with highly structured soil (macro pores, aggregates) and altered carbon and nitrogen turnover
H2.    The macro pore volume in grassland soils correlates positively with diversity and abundance of non-burrowing soil meso fauna.
H3.     The analysis of soil structure improves the understanding of turnover processes in soil.

  • Mechanical extraction of undisturbed soil samples (10 cm and 3 cm diameter) from all grassland EPs
  • Assessment of soil structure by X-ray computed tomography and micro tomography (resolution 0,25 mm bzw. 5-30 µm) of all grassland EPs
  • Morphometric analysis of soil structure at different scales

Cooperation with AG Schrumpf und Kandeler (Corg, microbial biomass) and AG Wolters (soil fauna)

Kuka K., Joschko M. (2024): Grassland management intensity determines root development, soil structure, and their interrelationship: Results of a regional study of Leptosols in the Swabian Alps. Grassland Research 3 (2), 171-186. doi: 10.1002/glr2.12077
More information:  doi.org
Untersuchung der Bodenstruktur und der Wurzelentwicklung in unterschiedlich bewirtschafteten Grünlandstandorten mittels Röntgen-Computertomografie
Kuka K., Illerhaus B., Fox C. A., Joschko M. (2013): X-ray Computed Microtomography for the Study of the Soil–Root Relationship in Grassland Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 12 (4). doi: 10.2136/vzj2013.01.0014
More information:  doi.org
Maschinelle Entnahme ungestörter Bodenprobensäulen für die Röntgen-Computertomographie
Kuka K., Illerhaus B., Fritsch G., Joschko M., Rogasik H., Paschen H., Schulz H., Seyfarth M. (2013): A new method for the extraction of undisturbed soil samples for X-ray computed tomography. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing 8, 1-8
More information:  www.ndt.net
Kuka K., Illerhaus B., Fritsch G., Joschko M., Rogasik H., Paschen M., Schulz H., Seyfarth M. (2012): Maschinelle Entnahme ungestörter Bodenprobensäulen für die Röntgen-Computertomographie. ZfP-Zeitung 129
More information:  www.dgzfp.de

Scientific assistants

Dr. Monika Joschko
Dr. Monika Joschko
Dr. Uwe Franko
Dr. Uwe Franko
Dr. Bernhard Illerhaus
Dr. Bernhard Illerhaus
Dr. Katrin Kuka
Dr. Katrin Kuka