Picture: The aerial photograph shows green overgrown and harvested brown fields next to a piece of forest and a settlement.

Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function (BEF) research has typically focussed on local scale relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function in experimental communities. However, the role of spatial dynamics of biodiversity within ‘real world’ landscapes is rarely considered for most ecosystem functions.

This project will test the hypothesisthat the ecosystem functioning of a grassland plot is higher for any given level of land use intensity when it is embedded within a biodiverse landscape. This is due to two mechanisms: a) faster recovery of plot biodiversity following disturbances (e.g. mowing) as a result of greater recolonisation, and b) the spillover of motile ecosystem service providers (e.g., from pollinators) from more diverse surrounding areas. These hypotheses will be tested by synthesising existing data with new data gathered from biodiversity survey of the areas surrounding the grassland experimental plots of the Biodiversity Exploratories.

The effect of other landscape features (e.g., landscape connectivity and surrounding land use intensity and functional composition) will also be studied. The models obtained from testing these hypotheses will then be used to upscale biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships to the landscape scale, employing a combination of geographic information systems and statistical simulations. This will allow us to estimate the impact of changes to the spatial configuration of diversity and land-use intensity within the landscape. In turn, this will allow us to identify new management strategies that promote landscape multifunctionality and predict the landscape level impacts of future management change, such as further intensification or the restoration of biodiversity.

Intensive agricultural practices have led to a strong biodiversity decline. Up to now, studies have tended to focus on aboveground species, but the soil below farmlands is also teeming with life. We assessed how various aspects of intensive land use affect both above- and belowground biodiversity. Our analyses found that land-use intensification had very different impacts on above- and belowground biodiversity. Local land-use intensity strongly and negatively impacted aboveground trophic groups, but it had positive or neutral effects on belowground trophic groups. Meanwhile, both above- and belowground trophic groups respond to landscape-level land use, but to different drivers: aboveground diversity of grasslands is promoted by diverse surrounding land-cover, while belowground diversity is positively related to a high permanent forest cover in the surrounding landscape. These results have strong implications for the development of conservation strategies for agroecosystems, which to date have focused on aboveground biodiversity. Since the response of belowground biodiversity does not mirror that of aboveground diversity at local scales, a broader view is required and different practices may be necessary if whole ecosystem diversity is to be conserved.

Le Provost G., Thiele J., Westphal C., Penone C., Allan E., Neyret M., van der Plas F., Ayasse M., Bardgett R., Birkhofer K., Boch S., Bonkowski M., Buscot F., Feldhaar H., Gaulton R., Goldmann K., Gossner M. M., Klaus V., Kleinebecker T., Krauss J., Renner S., Scherreiks P., Sikorski J., Baulechner D., Blüthgen N., Bolliger R., Börschig C., Busch V., Chisté M., Fiore-Donno A. M., Fischer M., Arndt H., Hoelzel N., Jung K., Lange M., Marzini C., Overmann J., Paŝalić E., Perović D., Prati D., Schäfer D., Schöning I., Schrumpf M., Sonnemann I., Steffan-Dewenter I., Tschapka M., Türke M., Vogt J., Wehner K., Weiner C., Weisser W. W., Wells K., Werner M., Wolters V., Wubet T., Wurst S., Zaitsev A. S., Manning P. (2021): Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. Nature Communications 12:3918. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23931-1

Le Provost G., Schenk N. V., Penone C., Thiele J., Westphal C., Allan E., Ayasse M., Binkenstein J., Blüthgen N., Boeddinghaus R., Boesing A. L., Bolliger R., Busch V., Fischer M., Frank K., Gossner M. M., Hoelzel N., Jung K., Kandeler E., Klaus V. H., Kleinebecker T., Klötzing T., Leimer S., Marhan S., Morris K., Müller S., Neff F., Neyret M., Oelmann Y., Perović D., Prati D., Rillig M. C., Saiz H., Schäfer D., Schäfer M., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schloter M., Schöning I., Schrumpf M., Steckel J., , Steffan-Dewenter I., Stempfhuber B., Trumbore S., Tschapka M., Vogt J., Weiner C., Weisser W. W., Wells K., Werner M., Wilcke W., Manning P. (2023): The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales. Nature, Ecology & Evolution 7, 236–249. doi: 10.1038/s41559-022-01918-5
More information:  doi.org
Neyret M., Peter S., Le Provost G., Boch S., Boesing A. L., Bullock J., Hölzel N., Klaus V. K., Kleinebecker T., Krauss J., Müller J., Müller S., Ammer C., Buscot F., Ehbrecht M., Fischer M., Goldmann K., Jung K., Mehring M., Müller T., Renner S. C., Schall P., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Westphal C., Wubet T., Manning P. (2023): Landscape management strategies for multifunctionality and social equity. Nature Sustainability 6, 391–403. doi: 10.1038/s41893-022-01045-w
More information:  doi.org
Soziokulturelle Werte können konsistent ES-Nachfragemuster im ländlichen Deutschland erklären
Peter S., Le Provost G., Mehring M., Müller T., Manning P. (2022): Cultural worldviews consistently explain bundles of ecosystem service prioritisation across rural Germany. People & Nature 4 (1): 218–230. doi: 10.1002/pan3.10277
More information:  doi.org
Wovon hängt die individuelle Nachfrage nach Ökosystemleistungen ab? Einblicke aus einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Studie in drei deutschen Regionen
Peter S. (2022): What Determines Individual Demand for Ecosystem Services? Nature and Culture 17 (1), 26-57. doi: 10.3167/nc.2022.170102
More information:  doi.org
Socio-cultural dynamics of Ecosystem Services – An integrative perspective on the society-nature relationship
Soziokulturelle Dynamiken von Ökosystemleistungen - Eine integrative Perspektive auf die Beziehung zwischen Gesellschaft und Natur
Peter S. (2022): Socio-cultural dynamics of Ecosystem Services - An integrative perspective on the society-nature relationship. Dissertation, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
Le Provost G., Thiele J., Westphal C., Penone C., Allan E., Neyret M., van der Plas F., Ayasse M., Bardgett R., Birkhofer K., Boch S., Bonkowski M., Buscot F., Feldhaar H., Gaulton R., Goldmann K., Gossner M. M., Klaus V., Kleinebecker T., Krauss J., Renner S., Scherreiks P., Sikorski J., Baulechner D., Blüthgen N., Bolliger R., Börschig C., Busch V., Chisté M., Fiore-Donno A. M., Fischer M., Arndt H., Hoelzel N., Jung K., Lange M., Marzini C., Overmann J., Paŝalić E., Perović D., Prati D., Schäfer D., Schöning I., Schrumpf M., Sonnemann I., Steffan-Dewenter I., Tschapka M., Türke M., Vogt J., Wehner K., Weiner C., Weisser W. W., Wells K., Werner M., Wolters V., Wubet T., Wurst S., Zaitsev A. S., Manning P. (2021): Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. Nature Communications 12:3918. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23931-1
More information:  doi.org
Peter S. (2020): Integrating Key Insights of Sociological Risk Theory into the Ecosystem Services Framework. Sustainability 12, 6437. doi: 10.3390/su12166437
More information:  doi.org
Peter S. (2019): Soziokulturelle Dynamiken vonÖkosystemleistungen – Wie viel Risiko ist sozial akzeptabel? BfN-Skripten - Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt 527, 197-203. doi: 10.19217/skr527
More information:  doi.org
Multifunktionalität Ökosystemen
Manning P., van der Plas F., Soliveres S., Allan E., Maestre F. T., Mace G., Whittingham M. J., Fischer M. (2018): Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 427-436. doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0461-7
More information:  doi.org

Project in other funding periods

Picture: The aerial photograph shows green overgrown and harvested brown fields next to a piece of forest and a settlement.
BEF-Up II (Contributing project)
#Theory, Modelling & Upscaling  #Ecosystem function of biodiversity  #BEF  #Soil Ecology  #Remote Sensing, Lanscape and Modelling  #Social-Ecology  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #Synthesis […]

Scientific assistants

Prof. Dr. Peter Manning
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Peter Manning
University of Bergen
Dr. Gaëtane Le Provost
Dr. Gaëtane Le Provost
French National Institute for Agriculture Food and Environment (INRAE)
Dr. Sophie Peter
Dr. Sophie Peter
ISOE – Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung
Dr. Fons van der Plas
Dr. Fons van der Plas
Wageningen University and Research