Picture: The photo shows a close-up of a longhorn beetle.

Arthropods, in particular insects, are the most diverse animal taxon on Earth and affect a multitude of ecosystem processes. We propose a long-term monitoring of arthropods, in particular insects and spiders, in all grassland and forests experimental plots (EPs), and of the ecosystem processes herbivory and parasitism/predation in forests. For the general survey, arthropods will be sampled in forests using funnel and flight-interception traps and in grasslands using funnel traps and sweepnetting.

Picture: The photo shows a young female scientist walking across an unmown meadow wielding a landing net, with a row of trees in the background.
Landscaping in grassland

We will also monitor abundances and parasitism of two potential forest pests, the ambrosia beetles Trypodendron spp., and the beech leaf-mining weevil Rhynchaenus fagi. Saproxylic insects will be monitored in collaboration with the project Arthropods II on exposed logs in forest VIPs.

We will analyse the effect of land use on arthropod diversity, including functional diversity, on beech herbivory and on the biological control potential of insect pests in forests, and test the use of indicator species for monitoring arthropod diversity.

In cooperation with other projects we aim to analyse land use effects on arthropod phylogenetic diversity, identify the components of land use responsible for arthropod biodiversity change and develop a BarCoding approach for true flies (Diptera). Our project will provide important baseline information for other projects that will allow assessing the role of arthropod diversity for the diversity of other taxa and for arthropod-mediated ecosystem processes.

Bae S., Heidrich L., Levick S. R., Gossner M. M., Seibold S., Weisser W. W., Magdon P., Serebryanyk A., Bässler C., Schäfer D., Schulze E.-D., Doerfler I., Müller J., Jung K., Heurich M., Fischer M., Roth N., Schall P., Boch S., Wöllauer S., Renner S. C., Müller J. (2021): Dispersal ability, trophic position and body size mediate species turnover processes: Insights from a multi‐taxa and multi‐scale approach. Diversity and Distributions 27 (3), 439-453. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13204
More information:  doi.org
Grasslandnutzung verändert die mittleren Eigenschaften von Arthropodengemeinschaften
Simons N. K., Weisser W. W., Gossner M. M. (2016): Multi-taxa approach shows consistent shifts in arthropod functional traits along grassland land-use intensity gradient. Ecology 97 (3), 754–764. doi: 10.1890/15-0616.1
More information:  doi.org
Waldbewirtschaftung beein-fl usst die Artengemeinschaften in wassergefüllten Baumhöhlen durch Veränderungen von Detritusmenge und Wasserchemie
Gossner M. M., Lade L., Rohland A., Sichardt N., Kahl T., Bauhus J., Weisser W. W., Petermann J. S. (2016): Effects of management on aquatic tree-hole communities in temperate forests are mediated by detritus amount and water chemistry. Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (1), 213–226. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12437
More information:  doi.org
Waldbewirtschaftung und regionale Baumartenzusammensetzung beeinflussen die Wirtspräferenz xylobionter Käfergemeinschaften
Müller J., Wende B., Strobl C., Eugster M., Gallenberger I., Floren A., Steffan-Dewenter I., Linsenmair K. E., Weisser W. W., Gossner M. M. (2015): Forest management and regional tree composition drive the host preference of saproxylic beetle communities. Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (3), 753–762. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12421
More information:  doi.org
Morphometrische Maße von Wanzen in Grasländern dreier Gebiete Deutschlands
Gossner M. M., Simons N. K., Höck L., Weisser W. W. (2015): Morphometric measures of Heteroptera sampled in grasslands across three regions of Germany. Ecology 96 (4), 1154–1154. doi: 10.1890/14-2159.1
More information:  doi.org
Eine Zusammenstellung von 8 funktionellen Merkmalen für Arten der Käfer, Wanzen, Heuschrecken und Spinnen in Grünländern Deutschlands
Gossner M. M., Simons N. K., Achtziger R., Blick T., Dorow W. H. O., Dziock F., Köhler F., Weisser W. W. (2015): A summary of eight traits of Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera and Araneae, occurring in grasslands in Germany. Scientific Data 2:150013. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.13
More information:  doi.org
Artenreichtum xylobionter Käfer: Erhöhte Temperaturen könnten geringere Mengen an verfügbarem Totholz ausgleichen
Müller J., Brustel H., Brin A., Bussler H., Bouget C., Obermaier E., Heidinger I. M. M., Lachat T., Förster B., Horak J., Procházka J., Köhler F., Larrieu L., Bense U., Isacsson G., Zapponi L., Gossner M. M. (2015): Increasing temperature may compensate for lower amounts of dead wood in driving richness of saproxylic beetles. Ecography 38 (5) 499–509. doi: 10.1111/ecog.00908
More information:  doi.org
Können Kurzflügelkäfer (Staphylinidae) in Studien mit Schwerpunkt auf Totholzkäfern in mitteleuropäischen Buchenwäldern ausgeschlossen werden?
Parmain G., Bouget C., Müller J., Horak J., Gossner M. M., Lachat T., Isacsson G. (2015): Can rove beetles (Staphylinidae) be excluded in studies focusing on saproxylic beetles in central European beech forests? Bulletin of Entomological Research 105 (1), 101-109 doi: 10.1017/S0007485314000741
More information:  doi.org
Waldbewirtschaftung in Buchenwäldern hat keinen Einfluss auf den Befall mit der Buchenwollschildlaus
Köhler G., Pasalic E., Weisser W. W., Gossner M. M. (2015): Beech forest management does not affect the infestation rate of the beech scale Cryptococcus fagisuga across three regions in Germany. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 17 (2), 197–204. doi: 10.1111/afe.12097
More information:  doi.org
Köhler G., Pasalic E., Gossner M. M., Baier U. (2015): Die Buchenwollschildlaus Cryptococcus fagisuga und ihre ambivalente Rolle in thüringischen Buchenwäldern. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thüringen 52 (3), 104 – 111
More information:  www.thueringen.de
Eingeschränkte Nutzbarkeit von Arthroooden als Indikatoren in temperaten Wälder
Gossner M. M., Fonseca C. R., Pašalić E., Türke M., Lange M., Weisser W. W. (2014): Limitations to the use of arthropods as temperate forests indicators. Biodiversity and Conservation 23 (4), 945-962. doi: 10.1007/s10531-014-0644-3
More information:  doi.org
Buche lockt Gegenspieler von Pflanzenfressern durch freigesetzte Düfte an
Gossner M. M., Weisser W. W., Gershenzon J., Unsicker S. B. (2014): Insect attraction to herbivore‑induced beech volatiles under different forest management regimes. Oecologia 176 (2), 569-80. doi: 10.1007/s00442-014-3025-4
More information:  doi.org
Waldbewirtschaftungsintensitätsmaße als Alternative zu Bestandesmerkmalen zur Quantifizierung der Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität
Gossner M. M., Schall P., Ammer C., Ammer U., Engel K., Schubert H., Simon U., Utschick H., Weisser W. W. (2014): Forest management intensity measures as alternative to stand properties for quantifying effects on biodiversity. Ecosphere 5 (9), 113. doi: 10.1890/es14-00177.1
More information:  doi.org
Unterschiedliche Reaktionen von Buchen-Herbivoren und -Herbivorie auf Bewirtschaftung in temperaten europäischen Wäldern
Gossner M. M., Pasalic E., Lange M., Lange P., Boch S., Hessenmöller D., Müller J., Socher S. A., Fischer M., Schulze E.-D., Weisser W. W. (2014): Differential Responses of Herbivores and Herbivory to Management in Temperate European Beech. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104876. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104876
More information:  doi.org
Abnahme der Herbivorie im Grünland mit zunehmender Landnutzungsintensität
Gossner M.M., Weisser W. W., Meyer S. T. (2014): Invertebrate herbivory decreases along a gradient of increasing land-use intensity in German grasslands. Basic and Applied Ecology 15 (4), 347–352. doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2014.03.003
More information:  doi.org
Effekte der derzeit praktizierten naturnahen Waldwirtschaft auf die funktionale Zusammensetzung von Totholzkäfern in Buchenwäldern
Gossner M. M., Lachat T., Brunet J., Isacsson G., Bouget C., Brustel H., Brandl R., Weisser W. W., Müller J. (2013): Current Near-to-Nature Forest Management Effects on Functional Trait Composition of Saproxylic Beetles in Beech Forests. Conservation Biology 27 (3), 605–614. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12023
More information:  doi.org
Die Bedeutung von Heterogenität, neu analysiert anhand eines Multi-Skalen- und Multi-Taxa-Ansatzes
Gossner M. M., Getzin S., Lange M., Pasalić E., Türke M., Wiegand K., Weisser W. W. (2013): The importance of heterogeneity revisited from a multiscale and multitaxa approach. Biological Conservation 166, 212–220. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.06.033
More information:  doi.org
Effekte der Totholzanreicherung in der Baumkrone und auf dem Waldboden auf die Zusammensetzung von Käfergemeinschaften
Gossner M. M., Floren A., Weisser W. W., Linsenmair K. E. (2013): Effect of dead wood enrichment in the canopy and on the forest floor on beetle guild composition. Forest Ecology and Management 302, (404–413). doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.03.039
More information:  doi.org
Die Bedeutung von großskaligen Biodiversitätsstudien an Arthropoden am Beispiel der Biodiversitätsexploratorien
Gossner M. M. (2013): Die Bedeutung von großskaligen Biodiversitätsstudien an Arthropoden am Beispiel der Biodiversitätsexploratorien. Entomologie heute 25, 31-46.
Implikationen von großskaligen räumlichen Diversitätsmustern von Totholzkäfern für die Erhaltung der europäischen Buchenwälder
Müller J., Brunet J. , Brin A., Bouget C., Brustel H., Bussler H., Förster B., Gunnar I., Köhler F., Thibault L., Gossner M. M. (2013): Implications from large-scale spatial diversity patterns of saproxylic beetles for the conservation of European Beech forests. Insect Conservation and Diversity 6 (2), 162–169. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2012.00200.
More information:  doi.org
Lachat T., Wermelinger B., Gossner M. M., Bussler H., Isacsson G., Müller J. (2012): Saproxylic beetles as indicator species for dead-wood amount and temperature in European beech forests. Ecological Indicators 23, 323–331. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.04.013
More information:  doi.org

The so-called core projects of the BE emerged from the site selection project and the establishment of the exploratories (2006-2008). Since 2008, they have been providing the infrastructure and collecting important basic information on land use, diversity and ecosystem processes (long-term monitoring) for all projects. In addition, they coordinate project-wide activities such as various large-scale experiments.

Project in other funding periods

Picture: The photo shows a close-up of a longhorn beetle.
Arthropods (Core project)
#Animals  #2017 – 2020  #2014 – 2017  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a close-up of a longhorn beetle.
Arthropods (Core project)
#Animals  #2020 – 2023  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a close-up of a longhorn beetle.
Invertebrates I (Core project)
#Animals  #2008 – 2011  #2006 – 2008  #Species biodiversity […]
Arthropoden (Core project)
#Animals  #REX/LUX  #FOX  #Biotic Interaction  #BELongDead  #2023 – 2026  #Species biodiversity […]

Scientific assistants

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weisser
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weisser
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Prof. Dr. Martin Gossner
Prof. Dr. Martin Gossner
Petra Freynhagen
Petra Freynhagen
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Prof. Dr. Nadja Simons
Prof. Dr. Nadja Simons
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Marco Lutz
Marco Lutz