
Based on the hypothesis, that diverse ecosystems should not only be more productive but also more resilient against climatic extremes, this sub-project has the aim

1. to make regional assessments of biomass, tree diversity and management as one main basis for selection of the experimental plots

2. to inventory the selected experimental plots with respect to tree and species distribution

The forest inventory included following parameters:

  • general description of the study plot

surrounding, topography, structure and delopmental stages, land use system

  • stock inventory

abundance and diversity, biometric characteristics of single trees, damages and habitat, competition, development and vitality

  • regeneration inventory

abundance and diversity, hemispheric photos, damage caused by game animals

  • Wood Debris

Biomass, degree of decomposition

  • C/N-Analyses

sampling of roots, stem and leaves

  • tree species composition

(Schorfheide, Hainich, Schwäbische Alb)


  • fencing experiment in the forest
  • BELongDead
  • seeding of tree species (planned)

Beziehungen zwischen Waldbewirtschaftung, Bestandsstruktur und Produktivität in verschiedenen mitteleuropäischen Wäldern
Schall P., Schulze E.-D., Fischer M., Ayasse M., Ammer C. (2018): Relations between forest management, stand structure and productivity across different types of Central European forests. Basic and Applied Ecology 32, 39-52. doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2018.02.007
More information:  doi.org
Schulze E. D., Bouriaud L., Bussler H., Gossner M. M., Walentowski H., Hessenmöller D., Bouriaud O., Gadow v. K. (2014): Opinion Paper: Forest management and biodiversity. Web Ecology 14, 3–10. doi: 10.5194/we-14-3-2014
More information:  doi.org
Wie sich 200-jährige Waldbewirtschaftung auf aktuelle Kohlenstoffvorräte im Boden auswirkt
Wäldchen J., Schulze E.-D., Schöning I., Schrumpf M., Sierra C. (2013): The influence of changes in forest management over the past 200 years on present soil organic carbon stocks. Forest Ecology and Management 289 (1), 243-254. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2012.10.014
More information:  doi.org
Seele C. (2012). The influence of deer browsing on natural forest regeneration. Dissertation, Universität Jena.
More information:  suche.thulb.uni-jena.de
Wäldchen J., Schöning I., Mund M.,Schrumpf M., Bock S., Herold N., Totsche K.U. Schulze E. D.(2012): Estimation of clay content from easily measurable water content of air-dried soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175 (3): 367–376. doi: 10.1002/jpln.201100066
More information:  doi.org
Luyssaert S., Hessenmöller D., Von Lüpke N., Kaiser S., Schulze E. D. (2011): Quantifying land use and disturbance intensity in forestry, based on the self‐thinning relationship. Ecological Applications 21(8), 3272-3284. doi: 10.1890/10-2395.1
More information:  doi.org
Identifizierung von forstlichen Bewirtschaftungstypen anhand terrestrischer und fernerkundlicher Variablen und die Effekte der Waldbewirtschaftung auf Waldstruktur und -zusammensetzung
Hessenmöller D., Nieschulze J., Seele C., von Lüpke N., Schulze E.-D. (2011): Identification of forest management types from ground-based and remotely sensed variables and the effects of forest management on forest structure and composition. Forstarchiv 82, 171-183. doi: 10.4432/0300-4112-82-171
More information:  doi.org
Wäldchen J., Schulze E. D., Mund M., Winkler B. (2011): Der Einfluss politischer, rechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Rahmen- bedingungen des 19. Jahrhunderts auf die Bewirtschaftung der Wälder im Hainich-Dün-Gebiet (Nordthüringen). Forstarchiv 82, 35-47. doi: 10.2376/0300-4112-82-35
More information:  doi.org
Schulze E.-D., Hessenmöller D., Seele C., Waeldchen J., von Luepke N. (2010): Die Buche: Eine Kultur- und Wirtschaftgeschichte. Biologie in unserer Zeit 40(3), 171–183. doi: 10.1002/biuz.201010421
More information:  doi.org
Growing Stock and Diversity of Tree Species of subdivided private forests in comparison to other managament systems
von Lüpke N.(2009): Growing Stock and Diversity of Tree Species of subdivided private forests in comparison to other managament systems. Master thesis, University Goettingen

The so-called core projects of the BE emerged from the site selection project and the establishment of the exploratories (2006-2008). Since 2008, they have been providing the infrastructure and collecting important basic information on land use, diversity and ecosystem processes (long-term monitoring) for all projects. In addition, they coordinate project-wide activities such as various large-scale experiments.

Project in other funding periods

Picture: The photo shows a beech forest in winter where a hole-cutting operation has been carried out. In an open area in front of standing trees, one can see tree stumps and sawn tree trunks lying on top of each other.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2020 – 2023  #Temporal scale […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2017 – 2020  #Temporal scale […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2014 – 2017  #Tree-related microhabitats […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest diversity (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2011 – 2014  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a beech forest in winter where a hole-cutting operation has been carried out. In an open area in front of standing trees, one can see tree stumps and sawn tree trunks lying on top of each other.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #FOX  #2023 – 2026  #Temporal scale […]

Scientific assistants

Prof. Dr. Ernst-Detlef Schulze
Prof. Dr. Ernst-Detlef Schulze
Dr. Dominik Hessenmöller
Dr. Dominik Hessenmöller
Dr. Jana Wäldchen
Dr. Jana Wäldchen
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
Carolin Seele
Carolin Seele