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Picture: The photo shows a beech forest in winter where a hole-cutting operation has been carried out. In an open area in front of standing trees, one can see tree stumps and sawn tree trunks lying on top of each other.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #FOX  #2023 – 2026  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The diagram shows the relationship of the elements biodiversity, land use and ecosystem function. The three elements are symbolized as circles and placed in the form of a triangle. The upper center circle represents biodiversity and contains colored picture symbols for different plants. The lower left circle represents land use. Within the circle are the terms mowing, grazing, fertilization and soil texture. The lower right circle represents ecosystem function. Within the circle are the terms biomass production and standing biomass. From the circle for land use an arrow goes to the circle for biodiversity and to the circle for ecosystem function. From the circle for biodiversity an arrow goes to the circle for ecosystem function and from there an arrow goes back to the circle for biodiversity.
BEF-Loops (Contributing project)
#Ecosystem function of biodiversity  #BEF  #REX/LUX  #2020 – 2023  #Species biodiversity […]
Illustration: The photo shows under dark clouds a sunlit herd of white-brown cattle on a meadow behind an electric fence. In the background a landscape with meadows, fields and forests can be seen.
ESuDis (Contributing project)
#Transfer & Society  #Social-Ecology  #2020 – 2023  #Grassland […]
Picture: The photo shows a beech forest in winter where a hole-cutting operation has been carried out. In an open area in front of standing trees, one can see tree stumps and sawn tree trunks lying on top of each other.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2020 – 2023  #Species biodiversity […]
ESuDis (Contributing project)
#Transfer & Society  #2023 – 2026  #Grassland […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2017 – 2020  #Species biodiversity […]
Figure: The photo shows storks looking for food in a meadow that has just been mowed. A tractor with attached equipment is driving on the right side of the photo. Other meadows as well as rows of shrubs and individual deciduous trees can be seen in the background.
HEDGE II (Contributing project)
#Theory, Modelling & Upscaling  #2017 – 2020  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2014 – 2017  #Species biodiversity […]