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Picture: The photo shows a meadow with a female scientist and a male scientist kneeling on the ground and laying down markers. Both persons are smiling into the camera, in the background a climate measuring station and a forest can be seen.
Botany (Core project)
#Plants  #BEF  #Plants  #REX/LUX  #2023 – 2026  #Land use […]
Picture: The diagram shows the relationship of the elements biodiversity, land use and ecosystem function. The three elements are symbolized as circles and placed in the form of a triangle. The upper center circle represents biodiversity and contains colored picture symbols for different plants. The lower left circle represents land use. Within the circle are the terms mowing, grazing, fertilization and soil texture. The lower right circle represents ecosystem function. Within the circle are the terms biomass production and standing biomass. From the circle for land use an arrow goes to the circle for biodiversity and to the circle for ecosystem function. From the circle for biodiversity an arrow goes to the circle for ecosystem function and from there an arrow goes back to the circle for biodiversity.
BEF-Loops (Contributing project)
#Ecosystem function of biodiversity  #BEF  #REX/LUX  #2020 – 2023  #Soil fertility […]
Picture: The photo shows a pollen-laden Earth Bumblebee, Latin Bombus terrestris, flying into an orange-red poppy flower hanging downwards. There are drops of water on the leaves of the flower. Green ears of grain can be seen in the background.
MacroBEEs (Contributing project)
#Animals  #Biotic Interaction  #2020 – 2023  #Plants […]
Picture: The photo shows a meadow with a female scientist and a male scientist kneeling on the ground and laying down markers. Both persons are smiling into the camera, in the background a climate measuring station and a forest can be seen.
Botany (Core project)
#Plants  #2017 – 2020  #2014 – 2017  #2011 – 2014  #2008 – 2011  #2006 – 2008  #Land use […]
Picture: The photo shows a meadow with a female scientist and a male scientist kneeling on the ground and laying down markers. Both persons are smiling into the camera, in the background a climate measuring station and a forest can be seen.
Botanik (Core project)
#Plants  #BEF  #Plants  #REX/LUX  #2020 – 2023  #Land use […]
Picture: The photo shows a tractor with trailed implement tearing up the meadow surface to cause a disturbance.
SADE (Contributing project)
#Plants  #2020 – 2023  #2017 – 2020  #2014 – 2017  #Soil […]
Picture: The photo shows, photographed from above, two young female scientists on the right and left of the picture, lying on a sunlit meadow and busy with the determination of seedlings. The female scientist on the right is noting something on paper in a clipboard lying on the ground in front of her. In front of the head of the female scientist on the left, a thin marking stick is stuck in the ground, next to her lies an unfolded folding ruler.
ESCAPE II (Contributing project)
#Plants  #2020 – 2023  #2017 – 2020  #Nutrient cycle […]
Picture: The photo shows a captured, living mason bee in a transparent plastic tube with blue printed graduations, which is held horizontally in front of the camera. In the background meadow soil can be seen.
MicroBEEs (Contributing project)
#Animals  #2017 – 2020  #Grassland […]
Picture: The photo shows, photographed from above, two young female scientists on the right and left of the picture, lying on a sunlit meadow and busy with the determination of seedlings. The female scientist on the right is noting something on paper in a clipboard lying on the ground in front of her. In front of the head of the female scientist on the left, a thin marking stick is stuck in the ground, next to her lies an unfolded folding ruler.
ESCAPE I (Contributing project)
#Plants  #2014 – 2017  #Nutrient cycle […]