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Figure: The photo shows a meadow with a flock of sheep in front of a climate measuring station. On the right side of the picture there is a shepherd with dogs and another man. In the background there are more meadows and mixed forest on hills.
Synthesis (Core project)
#Theory, Modelling & Upscaling  #BEF  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #2017 – 2020  #2014 – 2017  #Grassland […]
Picture: The photo shows a beech forest in winter where a hole-cutting operation has been carried out. In an open area in front of standing trees, one can see tree stumps and sawn tree trunks lying on top of each other.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #FOX  #2023 – 2026  #Species biodiversity […]
MultiCrossBEF (Cooperation project)
#Plants  #Ecosystem function of biodiversity  #Animals  #Soil biology & Element cycling  #Biotic Interaction  #2023 – 2026  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The macro photo shows a piece of grey-brown soil aggregate with artificially added long red filamentous microplastic fibres in front of a black background.
BEMPL (Contributing project)
#Microorganisms & Fungi  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #Sequencing […]
Illustration: The photo shows under dark clouds a sunlit herd of white-brown cattle on a meadow behind an electric fence. In the background a landscape with meadows, fields and forests can be seen.
ESuDis (Contributing project)
#Transfer & Society  #Social-Ecology  #2020 – 2023  #Grassland […]
Picture: The photo shows a slightly hilly landscape in summer under a blue sky. In the front left of the picture there are high bushes, a tree and a field path that turns to the left further back. From the middle to the right to the edge of the picture there is a field with beige-coloured ears of grain. Behind the field there is a mown meadow with short green grass on a slightly rising hill. On the left of the meadow there is a fenced climate measuring station. On the right of the meadow there is an unmown experimental area with tall brown and green grass. Behind the meadow there is a dense row of deciduous trees running through the picture.
SPRINT (Contributing project)
#Animals  #Biotic Interaction  #REX/LUX  #2020 – 2023  #Species biodiversity […]
Figure: The photo shows a group of light brown mushrooms growing on a deadwood tree trunk.
WOODSTOCK I (Contributing project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #BELongDead  #2020 – 2023  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a beech forest in winter where a hole-cutting operation has been carried out. In an open area in front of standing trees, one can see tree stumps and sawn tree trunks lying on top of each other.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2020 – 2023  #Species biodiversity […]
ESuDis (Contributing project)
#Transfer & Society  #2023 – 2026  #Grassland […]
Picture: The collage includes sixteen photographs of soil-dwelling Acari and Collembola taken from a micro-arthropod sample from the Biodiversity Exploratory Greenlands.
RESOILIENCE (Contributing project)
#Animals  #BEF  #Soil Ecology  #2020 – 2023  #2017 – 2020  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a tractor with trailed implement tearing up the meadow surface to cause a disturbance.
SADE (Contributing project)
#Plants  #2020 – 2023  #2017 – 2020  #2014 – 2017  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows, photographed from above, two young female scientists on the right and left of the picture, lying on a sunlit meadow and busy with the determination of seedlings. The female scientist on the right is noting something on paper in a clipboard lying on the ground in front of her. In front of the head of the female scientist on the left, a thin marking stick is stuck in the ground, next to her lies an unfolded folding ruler.
ESCAPE II (Contributing project)
#Plants  #2020 – 2023  #2017 – 2020  #Grassland […]
Figure: The photo shows a hilly landscape with a meadow and a deciduous forest under a blue sky in spring.
BE_CH4 (Contributing project)
#Microorganisms & Fungi  #2017 – 2020  #Bacteria […]
Picture: The graphic shows information on the central thesis of the project.
BE-Cult (Contributing project)
#Microorganisms & Fungi  #2017 – 2020  #Bacteria […]
Picture: The photo shows a captured, living mason bee in a transparent plastic tube with blue printed graduations, which is held horizontally in front of the camera. In the background meadow soil can be seen.
MicroBEEs (Contributing project)
#Animals  #2017 – 2020  #Species biodiversity […]
Figure: The photo shows a meadow with a flock of sheep in front of a climate measuring station. On the right side of the picture there is a shepherd with dogs and another man. In the background there are more meadows and mixed forest on hills.
Synthesis (Core project)
#Theory, Modelling & Upscaling  #2017 – 2020  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2017 – 2020  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows, photographed from above, two young female scientists on the right and left of the picture, lying on a sunlit meadow and busy with the determination of seedlings. The female scientist on the right is noting something on paper in a clipboard lying on the ground in front of her. In front of the head of the female scientist on the left, a thin marking stick is stuck in the ground, next to her lies an unfolded folding ruler.
ESCAPE I (Contributing project)
#Plants  #2014 – 2017  #Grassland […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2014 – 2017  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a dark meadow at dawn or dusk, with forested hills on the horizon. The blue sky is partially covered by stratus clouds with an orange-red glow at the edges. The sun is above the horizon hidden behind clouds.
BECycles (Contributing project)
#Soil biology & Element cycling  #2014 – 2017  #Ecosystem processes […]
Figure: The photo shows a meadow with a flock of sheep in front of a climate measuring station. On the right side of the picture there is a shepherd with dogs and another man. In the background there are more meadows and mixed forest on hills.
Synthesis (Core project)
#Theory, Modelling & Upscaling  #2014 – 2017  #2011 – 2014  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest diversity (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2011 – 2014  #Species biodiversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a dark meadow at dawn or dusk, with forested hills on the horizon. The blue sky is partially covered by stratus clouds with an orange-red glow at the edges. The sun is above the horizon hidden behind clouds.
BECycles (Contributing project)
#Soil biology & Element cycling  #2011 – 2014  #2008 – 2011  #Ecosystem processes […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2008 – 2011  #2006 – 2008  #Species biodiversity […]