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Figure: The photo shows green grain ears backlit against the background of a dark deciduous forest.
BESoilS (Contributing project)
#Soil biology & Element cycling  #Soil Ecology  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #Sulfur cycle […]
Illustration: The photo shows under dark clouds a sunlit herd of white-brown cattle on a meadow behind an electric fence. In the background a landscape with meadows, fields and forests can be seen.
ESuDis (Contributing project)
#Transfer & Society  #Social-Ecology  #2020 – 2023  #Mowing […]
Picture: The photo shows the experimental garden of the Philipps University in Marburg, Germany, called "Common Garden". You can see swards with tall growing grasses in six rows of square sub-plots of fifty by fifty centimeters, where always two sub-plots are laid out next to each other. One row is thus one meter wide. Between the rows are paths. In the background are greenhouses, buildings and behind them a dense row of deciduous and coniferous trees under a sky covered with cumulus clouds
EXClAvE I (Contributing project)
#Plants  #BEF  #2020 – 2023  #Functional diversity […]
Picture: The photo shows a sunlit winter forest with a large area of flowering wood anemones stretching across the ground.
ForGenDiv (Contributing project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #Remote Sensing, Lanscape and Modelling  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #Modelling […]
Picture: The photograph shows a young scientist in a beech forest in summer standing under a branch several meters above him. With his right hand, the scientist is holding a very long leaf-collecting stick upwards into the foliage of the branch. With his left hand, he is pulling a black ribbon leading upwards to the tip of the stick, presumably to trigger a severing device.
GENEDIV (Contributing project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #FOX  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #Spruce […]
Picture: The photo shows an area of the science garden of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main on a sunny day. Plants are parked in the area shown. The area is surrounded by a scaffolding about two to three metres high, on which there are foils that can be pulled over the parking areas to protect them from the sun and precipitation. In the background, tall growing plants in large flower pots can be seen. In the foreground is a rectangular area several metres long between two paths on the left and right of the picture. The ground is covered with a black foil. On top of the foil are a large number of so-called "multi-trays", which are rectangular black tray-like collection containers with recesses for holding 54 plants each in 6 by 9 rows. The containers are visually very reminiscent of baking tins for muffins. All containers are filled and contain the five thousand three hundred and eighty-eight plants collected in the "Herbadapt" project. In each well of the multitrays, there is a labelled coloured strip in red, orange, blue or purple in the soil to identify the plant.
HerbAdapt (Contributing project)
#Plants  #2020 – 2023  #Forest […]
Picture: The collage shows twelve photos of different seeds and seedlings.
SeedDiv (Contributing project)
#Plants  #BEF  #Plants  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #Cultivation […]
Figure: The photo shows a group of light brown mushrooms growing on a deadwood tree trunk.
WOODSTOCK I (Contributing project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #BELongDead  #2020 – 2023  #Sequencing […]
Picture: The photo shows a meadow with a female scientist and a male scientist kneeling on the ground and laying down markers. Both persons are smiling into the camera, in the background a climate measuring station and a forest can be seen.
Botany (Core project)
#Plants  #BEF  #Plants  #REX/LUX  #2023 – 2026  #2020 – 2023  #Forest structure […]
Picture: The photo shows a beech forest in winter where a hole-cutting operation has been carried out. In an open area in front of standing trees, one can see tree stumps and sawn tree trunks lying on top of each other.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2020 – 2023  #Forest structure […]
Picture: The illustration shows two overlapping coloured areas, one of which in blue represents the area of research and the other in green the area of business. The turquoise overlapping area is labelled with the phrase "Shaping and living transfer".
KnowledgeTransferProject II (Contributing project)
#Transfer & Society  #Forest & Deadwood  #2020 – 2023  #2017 – 2020  #Forest […]
Picture: The photo shows an earthworm and a horn mite on the forest floor.
LitterLinks (Contributing project)
#Animals  #Soil biology & Element cycling  #2020 – 2023  #Soil sample […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2017 – 2020  #Forest structure […]
Figure: The photo shows seven cranes on a meadow. In the background a climate measuring station and a deciduous forest can be seen.
BEsound (Contributing project)
#Animals  #2014 – 2017  #Arthropods […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest structure (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2014 – 2017  #Forest structure […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest diversity (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2011 – 2014  #Deadwood […]
Picture: The photo shows a close-up of a centipede on a brown leaf.
LitterLinks (Contributing project)
#Animals  #Soil biology & Element cycling  #2011 – 2014  #2008 – 2011  #Predator-prey interaction […]
Picture: The photo shows a springtail on the forest floor.
LitterLinks (Contributing project)
#Soil biology & Element cycling  #Animals  #2017 – 2020  #Predator-prey interaction […]
Picture: The photo shows a piece of forest with sawed-off trees after a hole cutting has been carried out.
Forest (Core project)
#Forest & Deadwood  #2008 – 2011  #2006 – 2008  #Deadwood […]